Strangeways Here You Are!
Welcome to the Strangeways Almanac, a living compendium of illuminated stories from infinite worlds. Here you will find tales of the fantastic ranging from a crocodile haunted by the spirit of a merchant king or a starship that holds its crew in a soporific illusion to the dreamworld of hibernating bears or the grave of a detective that holds the clues to his greatest case, and much, much more. The people, places, artifacts, and events within these pages are a collection of incredible fictional histories just waiting to be discovered.
Inspired by great fictional tomes like Henry Jones' Grail Diary, Tobin's Spirit Guide, the Necronomicon, Giles' library, and other compendiums of forgotten mysteries and occult wisdom, the Strangeways Almanac offers an ever-growing archive of illuminated short genre fiction. Whether you're looking for fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, horror, or just some weird little tales, the Strangeways provide.
The Strangeways Almanac is the work of writer Eric Alexander Grundhauser. What began as a daily writing challenge to create a new dungeon concept every day has blossomed into a full blown archive of imaginary endnotes. The Almanac is devoted to an analog, hand-made feel that accentuates the artifactual spirit of the project. We like things you can touch.
If you'd like to contribute to the Almanac or just say hi, reach out to me at